Practice Areas


We specialize in providing legal assistance throughout the entire agricultural production chain, serving companies and investors from various industries within the sector.

  • Analysis, review, and drafting of credit instruments, especially those related to rural nature, as well as operations involving Rural Product Notes (CPR) and new agribusiness financing instruments (CDA/WA, CDCA, LCA, and CRA).
  • Development of commercial, financial, partnership, joint venture, and barter structures. Analysis of negotiations within the futures market in over-the-counter and exchange operations.
  • Formalization of instruments and guarantees involving agricultural commodities, including export operations. Study of risks related to domestic and international trade.


With a direct approach and a keen eye on our clients’ tax issues, our team is constantly seeking qualification to deliver the best solutions.

  • Consultancy on direct and indirect taxes, fees and contributions, drafting opinions on tax implications in commercial and financial operations, and related to structures used in agribusiness.
  • Tax consultancy and planning in spin-offs, mergers and acquisitions, and in operations carried out in the financial and capital markets.
  • Application of corporate standards relating to the recording, preparation and disclosure of financial statements of Brazilian companies linked to agribusiness.
  • International tax planning and tax consulting related to foreign trade operations and the application of international treaties to avoid double taxation.
  • Tax litigation (administrative and judicial), involving defense and action before federal, state and municipal courts.
  • Tax due diligence and strategic management of tax liabilities, as well as opinions in the social security area.

Corporate Law

Our multidisciplinary team with vast knowledge and practice in Corporate Law supports companies in high complexity operations, providing legal guidance throughout the entire business.

  • Formation of national and international companies, as well as general corporate acts and legal consultancy for implementation of corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions; structuring of private equity and venture capital operations
  • Drafting and negotiation of corporate instruments such as share purchase agreements, shareholder agreements, association agreements, investment contracts, debenture deeds, safeguards agreements, among others
  • Participation in legal audit processes (due diligences) and consultancy in the scope of directors’ civil liability, succession planning, and corporate governance
  • Registration with the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) of investment operations, loans, declaration of financial statements, declaration of Brazilian capital abroad, among others necessary for the client’s activities
  • Assistance to companies, creditors, or investors in credit restructuring. Conducting bankruptcy and judicial and extrajudicial recovery procedures
  • Advising clients on trademark registration and registration of contracts with the National Institute of Industrial Property.

and Foreign

We advise national and international companies, operating in the foreign trade sector, in structuring export and import operations.

  • Export and import operations, foreign exchange procedures, customs regime, relationship with the Integrated Foreign Trade System (SISCOMEX) and the National Petroleum Agency (ANP), among others

and Solutions for

We represent our clients in various spheres of business disputes, seeking innovative and tailored solutions to resolve disputes and conflicts in an agile and effective manner.

  • Representation in the judicial and administrative spheres in disputes related to Civil, Commercial, Banking, Corporate, Bankruptcy, and Labor Law, as well as issues related to the financial and capital markets.
  • Assistance in the recovery of credit resulting from financing of agribusiness titles and pre-payment and export securitization operations.
  • Acting and monitoring of extrajudicial and judicial recovery of agribusiness companies, assisting creditors, investors, and trading companies.
  • Assistance in the development of work and employment structures, through the preparation of employment and service contracts, creation of policies for human resource rationalization, as well as monitoring of the entire process of hiring foreigners in Brazil and expatriation of Brazilian workers.
  • Acting in the solution of disputes through alternative mechanisms, such as mediation and arbitration. Legal opinions and advice for cases involving civil, commercial, and labor litigation. Due diligence and strategic management of civil and labor liabilities.


Our team, specialized in various sectors of the market, is prepared and always ready to anticipate the needs of contract drafting and negotiation efficiently and securely.

  • Negotiation and formalization of commercial contracts, both nationally and internationally. Formalization of personal and real guarantees instruments.
  • Formalization of contracts for purchase and sale, leasing, leasing, partnership, loan for use, deposit, and real estate; agency and distribution contracts, franchise, licensing, technology transfer, national and international logistics. Formalization of service provision instruments.
  • Analysis, review, and formalization of commercial partnership instruments, operational and technical agreements, confidentiality agreements, memorandums of understanding, and letters of intent.
  • Development of studies on economic balance of contracts and their effects on the form and fulfillment of obligations for the agricultural and financial markets.
  • Participation in negotiations, mediation, and formalization of commercial agreements, in preventing conflicts of interest and acting in pre-litigation.

and Capital

We offer legal consultancy on complex financial transactions for various types of products and services.
  • Structuring of national and international financial operations, verification and establishment of guarantees. Preparation of Legal Opinions and opinions related to financial operations, including pre-payment operations for exports. Participation in Project Finance operations
  • Development of operations based on new agribusiness financing titles. Securitization of receivables, issuance and public and private distribution of securities and securities, especially for agribusiness chains.
  • Consultancy in stock exchange, commodity exchange and futures market operations. Studies on the registration, negotiation, settlement and custody systems used in these operations.
  • Advisory on the legal regime of financial transactions with respect to the rules and regulations of the Central Bank of Brazil (BACEN), the Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM) and self-regulation through the Brazilian Association of Financial and Capital Market Entities (ANBIMA).